Origins. Myths and legens of Colombia


Autor: García Miguel Arcángel
Editorial: Magisterio
Formato: Libro impreso

Hay existencias


The myths and legends of the cundi–boyacense people of the Andean Plateau, reflect the popular knowledge of this eastern Colombian society with strong ancient roots which stem from the chibcha or muisca culture, the most developed of the aboriginal Colombia native people. The Chibchas had a system of religion organized around of a group of deities, temples and priests in charge of ceremonies. Their principal deities were of the sun, the moon, and de water. They believed in Chiminigagua, the god of creation and author of light, in Bachué, the mothergoddes of human existence, in Bochica, the god of civilization, who taught them the arts and crafts. They held the religious ceremonies of the sun or súe and the moon or chía, principally in sogamoso, the ¨sacred city¨.

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